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Santa Claus for the well behaved :-)

ΔΙΑΚΟΣΜΗΤΙΚΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΙΑΤΙΚΑ ΣΤΟΛΙΔΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ ΧΕΡΑΚΙΑ ΣΟΥ Τα Χριστούγεννα πλησιάζουν και ήδη φαντάζομαι έχεις ξεκινήσει να στολίζεις το σπίτι σου.  Παρακάτω, θα βρεις μια DIY διαδικασία για να γίνεις πιο δημιουργικός στην καρδιά των Χριστουγέννων και να στολίσεις, ή να……

DIY Masks | Your Alter Ego

Are you looking for DIY ideas to dress up for a party or for losing your everyday individuality and explore into a new self? Whatever the answer is, you might be interested in a DIY mask  A mask forms of disguise. It……

A bushcraft DIY: Millbank bag

Millbank is an area of central London in the City of Westminster. However, a Millbank bagΑ Millbank bag  is a portable water filtration device mad... is something completely different! It is a portable water filtration device made of tightly woven canvas……

Get rid of prints on your T-shirts

EASY, NO -SEW DIY, FOR GETTING RID OF UNWANTED PRINTED DESIGNS ON YOUR TEES! You may have some old T-shirts that you adore due to their jersey quality, their colour or the way they embrace your body, however, you can……

DIY Prints on Wood

DIY PRINTS ON WOOD | PHOTOTRANSFER THINK4REUSE and old objects, without complicated interventions, may get new uses! Sometimes it is simply a matter of perception on things. An old cutting surface, for example, can become a platter for meze –……

Must Have Gadgets :-)

THOUGHTS ON ECO-FRIENDLY GADGETS To say that plastic pollution is a widespread problem does not sum it up, neither to talk about Global Warming is. Only 27% of plastic items is recycledAnything that has been made from already existing materials,...……

Print your Photos by yourself!

ΤΥΠΩΣΕ ΧΕΙΡΟΠΟΙΗΤΑ ΤΙΣ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ ΣΟΥ … ΕΜΠΝΕΥΣΗ ΣΟΥ, Η ΝΟΣΤΑΛΓΙΑ, Η ΧΑΡΑ, Η ΑΓΑΠΗ! Όλες αυτές οι υπέροχες φώτογραφίες που βγάζουμε διαρκώς… Μπορεί να είναι τοπία, να είναι με ανθρώπους που αγαπάμε, με φίλους και πρόσωπα που μας λείπουν, μας……

When it comes to choosing colours…

Choosing the colour of your design could be an easy or a tricky part of your work. It’s true that colour is the first thing that actually ‘speaks’ to the human brain, the first visual signal, so yes… it is……

Make it to suit your needs!

MAKE IT TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS   When it comes to proceeding with the realization of your design, you need to research further and fill-in that sketchbookA sketchbook, is a working pad with blank pages which is use... More even……