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Adjustable Buckle Kitten or Cat Collar


Usually cats do not wear collars, however, it is a good idea to have a small collar on your pets if you let them out on their own. This way, everybody will know that this cat has a home 🙂

You can make different types of collars. This collar is made out of leather. Wakeupcut took a little piece from the hemline of a pair of trousers that recently got redesigned into a new 3/4 length, and made it into an adorable adjustable breakaway kitten or cat collar. You can watch below the step by step DIY process.

Μeasure the neck width of your cat and let us start!


cat_colar_diy_play_wakeup cut

There is a debate on whether cats should wear bells on their collars. Below you can read some of the reasons that suggest why bells are a good idea (source PerrfectPost).

-A bell can help you keep track of the whereabouts of a kitten in your home. Kittens can get into tiny little spaces, and it’s easy to lose track of where they are. A bell can help you keep tabs on your kitten, so you can be sure she’s safe.
In a multi-cat household, if one cat tends to bully the others, a bell on his collar can help warn meeker cats that he’s coming and give them time to leave the area and get away from him.

When cats go outdoors, a bell on the collar is often used to warn wildlife, especially birds, that there is a predator around. The problem is that cats are such good hunters that it’s been found that they can actually learn how to move without triggering the bell or so that it only makes a soft noise, so this particular benefit might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Not only that, but the bell might also let predators like coyotes or other, tougher cats know that your cat is around, putting him at risk.

-Wearing a bell on his collar might irritate a sensitive cat because of its tingling noise every time he moves. It also might scare a timid cat and frighten him into freezing and avoiding moving around more than he absolutely has to.

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