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Snowmen DIY ideas

Snowman! I just love Snowmen in winter! I woke up today and the city of Athens was full of snow! And there, I just took a few  handfuls of fresh snow and molded it into a little gentle snowman with his fedora inspired kinda hat :-)!

For a more adventurous and fuller attempt, have a look on xPaisleyPointersx’ way on how to do it…you may need a bit more effort but he show shows us a doablle how to way 🙂

… and if there is no snow and you still wish to play, then no worries! There are various tricks you can do it with 🙂


The 1st trick for an artificial Snowman comes from a simple xsock reusex, as  xGaming and Stuffx demonstrates below:

The 2nd cool idea comes from xDavehax, where you can see how to do it by simply using baking soda and a hair conditioner 🙂


The 3rd trick is for you that you wish to get your hands less dirty and less cold! What about making some Snowman garlands of paper! xHelpful TVx gives a good tip!

… and for last I left a short and quite tutorial on how to draw your wonderful Snowman and maybe have some extra fun with your younger friends…becoming all carefree kids! Have a look on this fun tutorial on how to do it by xArt for kids Hubx 🙂

Good luck, good cheer and a happy winter ! xxx